As you come into Sharpsburg from Harpers Ferry Road you see on the right side of the road a small brown National Park Service sign, two tablets, and some rail fence. These mark a path back to three monuments that show the furthest advance of the Union attack on the south side of the field. The tablets along the road tell the story of the Confederate defenders, two brigades that had held off the majority of the Union 9th Corps all day, and a third that joined from A.P. Hill’s Division to help throw back the Union advance.

You can continue north into Sharpsburg from here. Note that if you head south you cannot enter Branch Avenue by car from Harper’s Ferry Road, as it is one way. You reach Branch Avenue by taking Maryland Route 34 east from Sharpsburg and turning south onto Rodman Avenue.

Harpers Ferry Road tour map of the Antietam battlefield

Brigadier General Isaac Rodman
8th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry Regiment
9th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment

Archer’s Brigade
Kemper’s & Toombs’ Brigades
Toombs’ Brigade